Neural Science Conference-Global Edition

Conference Theme : Breakthroughs and Achievements in the field of Neural Science

Robert A. Fiore​

Connecticut Epilepsy Advocate Foundation, USA 


Robert A. Fiore​ is President and Founder at Connecticut Epilepsy Advocate Foundation.

He has had epilepsy since birth, but it was discovered when he was nine months old. In December 2005, he was scheduled to have temporal lobectomy surgery to correct his epilepsy and he told the doctor: "When I recover I will do everything possible to push and promote epilepsy." The look on the doctor's face was friendly but he did not look convinced. Unfortunately, they had to reschedule.

The surgery took place Tuesday, January 17, 2006 and upon recovering, he became an advocate for epilepsy. Many people watched what he did, and he came to a turning point in his life in the summer of 2009 and was told: "Why don't you start your own organization?" Robert spoke with others and they agreed and supported that suggestion.