Neural Science Conference-Global Edition

Conference Theme : Breakthroughs and Achievements in the field of Neural Science
Neural Science Conference-2024

Guidelines for Abstract Submission

Neural Science Conference-Global Edition (Neural Science-2024) interested speakers are requested to please follow the below format guidelines for Abstract submission.

Presentation Title: It should be in UPPER CASE and more precise to the subject.

Author(s) with affiliations: Affiliations should include departments, universities or organizations, cities, and countries of the authors, along with their email addresses.

Example:  Robert Brown1, Martin Ela1 and James Groove2

1Department of Biology, University of Texas, Texas, USA,

2Department of Physiology, Institute of Psychology, Berlin, Germany,


1. An abstract is a single paragraph (175-250 words), without subheadings, indentation or references.

2. It should be an explicit summary of your presentation that states the problem, the objectives, the methods used, and the major results and conclusions.

3. Informative abstracts and critical abstracts are accepted.

4. It should be single-spaced in 12-point Times New Roman. Do not include bullets or lists in the abstract.

5. The Abstract should be written in English.

6. The abstract should be submitted in the format of MS Word (.doc or .docx) document.

7. Documents that do not follow to the guidelines will be asked to revise.

8. The content of the abstract will be scrutinized before acceptance of paper presentation at the international research conference.

Keywords: Maximum of 3-6 keywords are allowed for the Abstract.