Neural Science Conference-Global Edition

Conference Theme : Breakthroughs and Achievements in the field of Neural Science

Luisa Bartorelli

Association Alzheimer Uniti, Italy


  • Delegate to Committee of Ministry of Health for The Italian National Dementia Plan.
  • Member of same European, National and Regional study committes.
  • For 20 years Chief of Geriatrics Hospital Unit.
  • Professor of Psychogeriatric Medicine at the Catholic University of Rome.
  • Winner of some prize, as The Minerva Medica Prize for woman in clinic research; the AACS Prize from the President of the Republic of Italy for contribution in the field of Alzheimer’s Disease;  the Bioetic Prize from the International Institute Sapientia Mundi.
  • She has participated to numerous national and international conferences with the contribution of her experience (delegate to represent Italian Gerontology and Geriatrics Society in the ONU World on Aging Assembly 2002)
  • During last 30 years created and supervised many territorial services and numerous training courses for professionals involved in Geriatric medicine, particulary on those who work with people with Alzheimer’s disease and their carers.
  •  To her credit more than 200 papers and some books, expecially on the dementia subject.